Masvingo Branch

Masvingo RCU Library Branch

The Reformed Church University main library is located at the main campus in Masvingo. The main library is made up of three rooms which are the main library which houses the library’s physical collection and computers for studying and accessing our digital library, the Information and Communication Technology Laboratory which has so many computers for studying and the senior information commons which has computers as well as the interactive board. All these library rooms are for all our library users. The main library has five qualified staff which are the librarian, four assistant librarians in different departments which are the user and customer services, research and training, inclusivity as well as the acquisitions and bibliographic services thus making a total of five library staff members.


The RCU Library is open to graduate students, members of staff and other approved readers as this will be determined by the Librarian.

Requirements for using the library

You need to be a registered student, You need to bring your student identification card.

Library Collection

The main library’s physical collection has:

Ordinary books

This is material in the library’s physical collection that can be borrowed for long periods which is a week for students and two weeks for lecturers. Failure to bring the book on or before the due date will attract a fine.

Reserved books

These are the books that are usually on demand and can only be borrowed for only four hours. These include books and journals. Failure to return the book on time attracts a fine.

Reference books

These must be used in the library only and are not available for borrowing, these include dictionaries and encyclopaedias.

Contact Information

For more information, please visit our Reformed Church University library reference desk and the library website. Please also utilise the library email, live chat, Facebook and our suggestion box for any queries. Or get in touch with us on the following:

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 8.00 – 4:45 pm
Saturday 8.30 – 4:30 pm