Bibliographic Section
Bibliographic Services section processes several hundred items each month in many different formats. We create, maintain, and improve accurate descriptions of resources in the Libraries’ collections for the University Library Catalog, Institutional Repository, e-DURA and e-Journals. We provide subject and other access pathways that enable users to find the resources they are seeking. We create metadata for our digital collections and load record sets for electronic resources, all of which are aggregated in our discovery search. We also provide physical processing for materials housed in the RCU Library.
Searching both soft copy and hard books, for checking the availability and giving the exact location of a book on the library shelves. Journal Articles, e-Books PDFs, Power Points, Word Documents
Institutional Repository
I.R enable RCU researchers to self-archive their research output, Other functions of an institutional repository include, Knowledge management, Research assessment, and Open access to scholarly research
Home grown web based platform for research at RCU library, can be remotely accessed by RCU students and lecturers and for past exam papers.
RCU library provides its users with access to electronic journals from various scholarly publishers. There are subscription-based journals from reputable publishers and Open source journals for research purposes.
The library also provides users with access to open-source journals which have been added to the list of off campus resources
Acquisition Section
The division offers effective access, efficient, exhaustive, and timely relevant teaching, research, and outreach information materials. We are devoted to creating a positive, diverse work environment that fosters cooperation, open communication, respect, and empowerment. Our duties include:
Searching, ordering, claiming, receiving, processing, categorizing, and paying for the collection's contents in an economical, fast, precise, and polite way.
Effective and timely expenditure of the materials budget.
Providing administrators, selectors, other libraries, and patrons with information on the use of cash, availability of materials, vendor performance, gift and exchange materials recognition, binding procedures, and other acquisitions and serials operations.
Interacting with the library' suppliers, publishers, and funders.
Contact Information
For more information, please visit our Reformed Church University library reference desk and the library website. Please also utilise the library email, live chat, Facebook and our suggestion box for any queries. Or get in touch with us on the following:
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 08:00 – 20:00
Saturday 09:00 – 16:00